Results for 'Julius S. Lombardi'

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  1.  38
    Peccato e Luce. By Giuseppe Tusiani. [REVIEW]Julius S. Lombardi - 1949 - Renascence 2 (2):153-154.
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    Jordaens' 'night vision': A rejoinder.Julius S. Held - 1962 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 25 (1/2):131-134.
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    On the date and function of some allegorical sketches by rubens.Julius S. Held - 1975 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 38 (1):218-233.
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    Carolus scribanius's observations on art in antwerp.Julius S. Held - 1996 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 59 (1):174-204.
  5. What is Shannon information?Olimpia Lombardi, Federico Holik & Leonardo Vanni - 2016 - Synthese 193 (7):1983-2012.
    Despite of its formal precision and its great many applications, Shannon’s theory still offers an active terrain of debate when the interpretation of its main concepts is the task at issue. In this article we try to analyze certain points that still remain obscure or matter of discussion, and whose elucidation contribute to the assessment of the different interpretative proposals about the concept of information. In particular, we argue for a pluralist position, according to which the different views about information (...)
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  6. What is information?Olimpia Lombardi - 2004 - Foundations of Science 9 (2):105-134.
    The main aim of this work is to contribute tothe elucidation of the concept of informationby comparing three different views about thismatter: the view of Fred Dretske's semantictheory of information, the perspective adoptedby Peter Kosso in his interaction-informationaccount of scientific observation, and thesyntactic approach of Thomas Cover and JoyThomas. We will see that these views involvevery different concepts of information, eachone useful in its own field of application. This comparison will allow us to argue in favorof a terminological `cleansing': it (...)
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  7. Dretske, Shannon’s Theory and the Interpretation of Information.Olimpia I. Lombardi - 2005 - Synthese 144 (1):23-39.
  8.  97
    What is quantum information?Olimpia Lombardi, Federico Holik & Leonardo Vanni - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 56:17-26.
    In the present paper we develop different arguments to show that there are no reasons to consider that there exists quantum information as qualitatively different than Shannon information. There is only one kind of information, which can be coded by means of orthogonal or non-orthogonal states. The analogy between Shannon’s theory and Schumacher’s theory is confined to coding theorems. The attempt to extend the analogy beyond this original scope leads to a concept of quantum information that becomes indistinguishable from that (...)
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    The Impact of School Climate on Well-Being Experience and School Engagement: A Study With High-School Students.Elisabetta Lombardi, Daniela Traficante, Roberta Bettoni, Ilaria Offredi, Marisa Giorgetti & Mirta Vernice - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:482084.
    The aim of this work is to investigate the factors promoting students’ engagement at school and supporting their well-being experience. According to the Positive Education there is a strong relationship between school environment and student’s well-being. Moreover, the quality of the school climate perceived by the students was found to influence engagement in school activities, as well. In this study, 153 students ( M = 67) attending 10th grade were presented with tests and questionnaires to assess individual assets (personality traits, (...)
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    Dan Zahavi and John Searle on Consciousness and Non-Reductive Materialism.Agustina Lombardi - 2017 - Scientia et Fides 5 (2):155-170.
    In his 1994 paper, neuroscientist Benjamin Libet affirmed that he found a way to test the interaction between the mind and the brain. He believed that this procedure would also test the reality of a non-physical mind, emerging from neural activity. In 2000 John Searle objected to Libet’s evident dualism, affirming that the mind is not a hypothesis to test but a datum to be explained. According to Searle, Libet’s problem arose from accepting the Cartesian distinction of ‘mind’ and ‘body’, (...)
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    Selected writings of Julius Guttmann.Julius Guttmann - 1980 - New York: Arno Press. Edited by Steven T. Katz.
    Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Bedeutung der Juden im Mittelalter.--John Spencer's Erklärung der biblischen Gesetze in ihrer Beziehung zu Maimonides.--Max Webers Soziologie des antiken Judentums.--Zu Gabirols allegorischer Deutung der Erzählung vom Paradies.--Das Problem der Willensfreiheit bei Ḥasdai Crescas und den islamschen Aristotelikern.--Religion und Wissenschaft im mittelalterlichen und im modernen Denken.--Zur Kritik der Offenbarungsreligion in der islamischen und jüdischen Philosophie.--[Le-ḥeḳer ha-meḳorot shel Sefer ha-ʻiḳarim].--Die Akademie für die Wissenschaft des Judentums.--Die religiösen Motive in der Philosophie des Maimonides.--Das Problem der Kontingenz in der Philosophie (...)
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    Structures algébriques dynamiques, espaces topologiques sans points et programme de Hilbert.Henri Lombardi - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 137 (1-3):256-290.
    A possible relevant meaning of Hilbert’s program is the following one: “give a constructive semantic for classical mathematics”. More precisely, give a systematic interpretation of classical abstract proofs about abstract objects, as constructive proofs about constructive versions of these objects.If this program is fulfilled we are able “at the end of the tale” to extract constructive proofs of concrete results from classical abstract proofs of these results.Dynamical algebraic structures or geometric theories seem to be a good tool for doing this (...)
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  13. Prigogine and the many voices of nature.Olimpia Lombardi - 2011 - Foundations of Chemistry 14 (3):205-219.
    Ilya Prigogine was not a systematic author: his ideas, covering a wide arch of areas, are dispersed in his many writings. In particular, his philosophical thought has to be reconstructed mainly on the basis of his works in collaboration with Isabelle Stengers: La Nouvelle Alliance ( 1979 ), Order out of Chaos ( 1984 ), and Entre le Temps et l’Éternité ( 1988 ). In this paper I undertake that reconstruction in order to argue that Prigogine’s position, when read in (...)
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    Possible-Worlds Metaphysics and the Logical Problem of Evil.Joseph L. Lombardi - 2018 - International Philosophical Quarterly 58 (1):19-29.
    Alvin Plantinga’s solution to J. L. Mackie’s logical problem of evil invokes possible-worlds metaphysics. There are reasons for thinking that the solution is, at least, problematic. Difficulties emerge in the attempts to answer four related questions. (1) Can God’s necessary existence, understood in terms of possible-world metaphysics, make God’s actual existence impossible to explain? (2) Can an omniscient being with knowledge of the contents of every possible world (a being endowed with “middle knowledge”) prove ignorant of the consequences of his (...)
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  15. Against God’s Moral Goodness.Joseph L. Lombardi - 2005 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 79 (2):313-326.
    While denying that God has moral obligations, William Alston defends divine moral goodness based on God’s performance of supererogatory acts. The present article argues that an agent without obligations cannot perform supererogatory acts. Hence, divine moral goodness cannot be established on that basis. Defenses of divine moral obligation by Eleonore Stump and Nicholas Wolterstorff are also questioned. Against Stump, it is argued (among other things) that the temptations of Jesus do not establish the existence of a tendency to sin in (...)
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  16. Worship and Moral Autonomy.Joseph L. Lombardi - 1988 - Religious Studies 24 (2):101 - 119.
    A number of years ago, James Rachels presented an argument for the necessary non–existence of God. It was based upon a supposed inconsistency between worship and what might be called ‘autonomous moral agency’. In Rachels' view, one person's being the worshipper of another is partially determined by the way in which it is appropriate for the first to respond to the commands of the second. In brief, a worshipper's obedience to commands should be ‘ unqualified ’. Rachels thought that there (...)
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    Body-mind dissociation in psychoanalysis: development after Bion.Riccardo Lombardi - 2017 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    The conflict and dissociation between the Body and the Mind have determinant implications in the context of our current clinical practice, and are an important source of internal and relational disturbances. Body-Mind Dissociation in Psychoanalysis proposes the concept as a new hypothesis, different from traumatic dissociation or states of splitting. This approach opens the door to a clinical confrontation with extreme forms of mental disturbance, such as psychosis or borderline disorders, and strengthens the relational power of the analytic encounter, through (...)
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    Divorce and Remarriage.Joseph L. Lombardi - 2021 - Philosophy and Theology 33 (1):27-52.
    In a magisterial book-length study, Professor E. Christian Brugger concludes that the canons of the Council of Trent, given the beliefs and intentions of its participants, provide “a dogmatic definition of the absolute indissolubility of marriage as a truth of divine revelation” (original italics). The present concern is whether Brugger’s arguments support this conclusion. Also subject to scrutiny are the relevance, plausibility, and consistency of the conciliar thinking on which his arguments are premised. It will be argued that Brugger’s conclusion (...)
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  19.  22
    Dall’intelletto potenziale alla coscienza eterna. Aristotelismo “averroizzante” e idealismo in Thomas Hill Green.Antonio Lombardi - 2021 - Quaestio 21:369-399.
    The essay examines Thomas Hill Green’s idealistic reading of Aristotle’s Metaphysics and De anima, starting from his “monopsychist” view of human understanding. His criticism of the Aristotelian notion of substance leads him to a recalibration of hylomorphism and a “noetization” of matter, which could be seen as an averroizing move. Green holds that there is only one “Eternal Consciousness” and that the individual thinking subjects are particular manifestations of it. As for Averroes’ unity of intellect, this idea derives from a (...)
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    La famille, les femmes et le quotidien (XIVe-XVIIIe siècle). Textes offerts à Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, Rassemblés par Isabelle Chabot, J.Daniela Lombardi - 2009 - Clio 30.
    Cet hommage à Christiane Klapisch-Zuber est mené à plusieurs voix. Mais les éditeurs ont le mérite d’avoir conféré une ligne originale à ce recueil d’essais en convainquant C. K.-Z. d’y publier un texte présenté au congrès annuel de la Renaissance Society of America qui s’était tenu à Florence en mars 2000, texte déjà publié en italien dans la revue Genesis. Rivista della Società italiana delle Storiche en 2002. Le présent volume s’ouvre donc, d’une façon plutôt inhabituelle, par les mots mê...
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    Scienza e tecnica: quale potere?Mariella Lombardi Ricci, Giuseppe Zeppegno & Santo Lepore (eds.) - 2019 - Cantalupa (Torino): Effatà editrice.
    The new edition of this manual brings together a decade's teaching in bioethics. It confronts new questions and monitors the latest far reaching experiments, whose results and publications need to be properly understood.
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    Supporting mentalizing in primary school children: the effects of thoughts in mind project for children (TiM-C) on metacognition, emotion regulation and theory of mind.Elisabetta Lombardi, Annalisa Valle, Federica Bianco, Ilaria Castelli, Davide Massaro & Antonella Marchetti - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (5):975-986.
    Mentalization is a useful ability for social functioning and a crucial aspect of mentalizing is emotion regulation. Literature suggests programmes for children and adults to increase mentalizing abilities useful both for emotional and social competences. For this reason, the issue of how to prompt children’s mentalization has started to attract researchers’ attention, supporting the importance of the interpersonal dimension for the individual differences in the developmental of mentalization. The TiM (Thoughts in Mind) Project, a training programme based on the explanation (...)
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    Transcendentistic Trends in Italian Historiography of Metaphysics.Antonio Lombardi - 2021 - Quaestio 20:485-508.
    The article analyses and comments on the collective volume entitled Storia della metafisica, edited by Enrico Berti. The author goes through the various contributions dedicated to a prominent metaphysician or a metaphysic current and lets emerge the different recalibration experienced by the concepts of ‘transcendence’ and ‘transcendental’. Berti’s preliminary choice is indeed to include in a history of metaphysics only those metaphysicians who have considered transcendence particularly relevant in their philosophical enterprises. From this survey, it is possible to assert the (...)
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    The deflationary view of information reloaded: communication and manipulability.Olimpia Lombardi & Cristian López - unknown
    Timpson’s deflationary view of information is an innovative and well articulated view that had a great impact on the philosophy of physics community. However, recently some of the arguments supporting the deflationist view have been critically reviewed. The aim of this paper is to retain the general idea behind Timpson’s proposal, but replacing the conflictive elements used to support his thesis with new argumentative resources based on the notion of manipulability.
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    Linking chemistry with physics: arguments and counterarguments. [REVIEW]Olimpia Lombardi - 2013 - Foundations of Chemistry 16 (3):181-192.
    The many-faced relationship between chemistry and physics is one of the most discussed topics in the philosophy of chemistry. In his recent book Reducing Chemistry to Physics. Limits, Models, Consequences, Hinne Hettema conceives this relationship as a reduction link, and devotes his work to defend this position on the basis of a “naturalized” concept of reduction. In the present paper I critically review three kinds of issues stemming from Hettema’s argumentation: philosophical, scientific and methodological.
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  26.  44
    Back to a trinitarian ontology. Person and Trinity in Edith Stein’s Finite and Eternal Being.Agustina María Lombardi - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43:89-106.
    Resumen Según el diagnóstico sobre la academia contemporánea del pensador italiano Piero Coda, la teología, disciplina escindida de la filósofa desde la modernidad, se ha reducido a una mera apologética de la fe. En este marco, la Trinidad se vacía de contenido ontológico, dejando de ser principio de interpretación de la realidad. En el presente artículo analizaré las consecuencias antropológicas que posee el hecho de que la creación, específicamente del hombre, sea imago Trinitatis en el pensamiento de Edith Stein. En (...)
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    Comment la philosophie contemporaine peut-elle s’estimer justifiée de parler du concept de personne?Franco Lombardi - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 8:212-219.
    On soutient qu’il n’est pas possible de défendre le concept de personne, si l’on ne critique cette « conséquence de la philosophie kantienne », selon laquelle la majeure partie de la philosophie contemporaine refuse à la fois de reconnaître le concept d’« individu » et d’abandonner cette thèse qu’il peut exister quelque chose indépendamment de la pensée : conséquence acceptée par cette philosophie qui, en faisant appel au concept du « concret », entend se soustraire aux conclusions à la fois (...)
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  28.  13
    For a New History of Man’s Philosophy and Civilization.Franco Lombardi - 1975 - Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy 5:753-758.
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    (1 other version)EI fin de la omnisciencia: La respuesta de Prigogine al problema de la irreversibilidad (the end of omniscience: Prigogine's answer to the problem of irreversibility).Olimpia Lombardi - 1999 - Theoria 14 (3):489-510.
    Prigogine afirma que, en presencia de alta inestabilidad (caos), los estados puntuales y las trayectorias lineales en el espacio de las fases se convierten en una falsa idealización. En el presente trabajo se sostiene que: (i) los argumentos de Prigogine en favor de tal tesis no son concluyentes, y (ii) hay buenas razones para retener la postulacion de estados puntuales y trayectorias lineales, en tanto conceptos teóricos legítimos en mecánica estadística.Prigogine asserts that the existence of radical instability (chaos) makes the (...)
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    Studies on the ancient Armenian version of Philo's works.Sara Mancini Lombardi & Paola Pontani (eds.) - 2010 - Boston: Brill.
    This book aims to introduce the Armenian version of Philo's writings also to those scholars not acquainted with Armenian Studies. The subject is approached from different perspectives - historical, hermeneutical, philological, linguistic - with special attention given to the reception of Philo in Armenian Christianity.
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    James Rachels on Kant’s Basic Idea.Joseph L. Lombardi - 1997 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 71 (1):53-58.
  32.  32
    Filial Gratitude and God's Right to Command.Joseph L. Lombardi - 1991 - Journal of Religious Ethics 19 (1):93 - 118.
    Defenders of theistic morality sometimes insist that God's will can impose moral obligation only if God has a right to command. The right is compared to that which parents have over their children and which is thought to derive from a filial debt of gratitude. This essay examines arguments for divine authority based on gratitude which employ the parental analogy. It is argued that neither parental nor divine authority is based on gratitude. An alternative derivation of parental authority is suggested (...)
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    Moral notions.Julius Kovesi - 1967 - New York,: Humanities P..
    Morality is often thought of as non-rational or sub-rational. In Moral Notions, first published in 1967, Julius Kovesi argues that the rationality of morality is built into the way we construct moral concepts. In showing this he also resolves the old Humean conundrum of the relation between 'facts' and 'values'. And he puts forward a method of reasoning that might make 'applied ethics' (at present largely a hodge-podge of opinions) into a constructive discipline. Kovesi's general theory of concepts - (...)
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  34. Isomerism and decoherence.Juan Camilo Martínez González, Olimpia Lombardi & Sebastian Fortin - 2016 - Foundations of Chemistry 18 (3):225-240.
    In the present paper we address the problem of optical isomerism embodied in the socalled “Hund’s paradox”, which points to the difficulty to account for chirality by means of quantum mechanics. In particular, we explain the answer to the problem proposed by the theory of decoherence. The purpose of this article is to challenge this answer on the basis of a conceptual analysis of the phenomenon of decoherence, that reveals the limitations of the theory of decoherence to solve the difficulties (...)
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    Two-step emergence: the quantum theory of atoms in molecules as a bridge between quantum mechanics and molecular chemistry.Chérif F. Matta, Olimpia Lombardi & Jesús Jaimes Arriaga - 2020 - Foundations of Chemistry 22 (1):107-129.
    By moving away from the traditional reductionist reading of the quantum theory of atoms in molecules, in this paper we analyze the role played by QTAIM in the relationship between molecular chemistry and quantum mechanics from an emergentist perspective. In particular, we show that such a relationship involves two steps: an intra-domain emergence and an inter-domain emergence. Intra-domain emergence, internal to quantum mechanics, results from the fact that the electron density, from which all the other QTAIM’s concepts are defined, arises (...)
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  36.  47
    Relational Event-Time in Quantum Mechanics.Matías Pasqualini, Olimpia Lombardi & Sebastian Fortin - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-25.
    Some authors, inspired by the theoretical requirements for the formulation of a quantum theory of gravity, proposed a relational reconstruction of the quantum parameter-time—the time of the unitary evolution, which would make quantum mechanics compatible with relativity. The aim of the present work is to follow the lead of those relational programs by proposing a relational reconstruction of the event-time—which orders the detection of the definite values of the system’s observables. Such a reconstruction will be based on the modal-Hamiltonian interpretation (...)
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  37.  27
    Dynamical method in algebra: effective Nullstellensätze.Michel Coste, Henri Lombardi & Marie-Françoise Roy - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 111 (3):203-256.
    We give a general method for producing various effective Null and Positivstellensätze, and getting new Positivstellensätze in algebraically closed valued fields and ordered groups. These various effective Nullstellensätze produce algebraic identities certifying that some geometric conditions cannot be simultaneously satisfied. We produce also constructive versions of abstract classical results of algebra based on Zorn's lemma in several cases where such constructive version did not exist. For example, the fact that a real field can be totally ordered, or the fact that (...)
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  38. Time's Arrow and Irreversibility in Time‐Asymmetric Quantum Mechanics.Mario Castagnino, Manuel Gadella & Olimpia Lombardi - 2005 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 19 (3):223 – 243.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze time-asymmetric quantum mechanics with respect to the problems of irreversibility and of time's arrow. We begin with arguing that both problems are conceptually different. Then, we show that, contrary to a common opinion, the theory's ability to describe irreversible quantum processes is not a consequence of the semigroup evolution laws expressing the non-time-reversal invariance of the theory. Finally, we argue that time-asymmetric quantum mechanics, either in Prigogine's version or in Bohm's version, does (...)
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  39. Still Lives for Headaches: A reply to Dorsey and Voorhoeve.Julius Schönherr - 2018 - Utilitas 30 (2):209-218.
    There is no large number of very small bads that is worse than a small number of very large bads – or so, some maintain, it seems plausible to say. In this article, I criticize and reject two recently proposed vindications of the above intuition put forth by Dale Dorsey and Alex Voorhoeve. Dorsey advocates for a threshold marked by the interference with a person's global life projects: any bad that interferes with the satisfaction of a life project is worse (...)
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  40. Nagel's Atlas.A. J. Julius - 2006 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 34 (2):176–192.
  41. The Jurisprudence Annual Lecture 2016 – Mutual Recognition.A. J. Julius - 2016 - Jurisprudence 7 (2):193-209.
    Each of two mutually recognising persons knows herself to be capable of and responsible for acting toward the other in ways that presuppose the other’s capability and responsibility for doing the same. The lecture brings out some egalitarian, libertarian and solidaristic aspects of an interpersonal ideal of mutual recognition, and it considers conversation, friendship and respect for right as three main examples of the syndrome.
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  42. Doxastic justification through dispositions to cause.Julius Schönherr - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-18.
    According to the standard view, a belief is based on a reason and doxastically justified—i.e., permissibly held—only if a causal relation obtains between a reason and the belief. In this paper, I argue that a belief can be doxastically justified by a reason’s mere disposition to sustain it. Such a disposition, however, wouldn’t establish a causal connection unless it were manifested. My argument is that, in the cases I have in mind, the manifestation of this disposition would add no positive (...)
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  43. Values and Evaluations.Julius Kovesi (ed.) - 1998 - New York, USA: Peter Lang.
    In the diverse but related essays collected in Values and Evaluations, Julius Kovesi's central concerns are the nature of ideological thinking and the rational core of morality. «It is characteristic of ideological beliefs that their truth is upheld independent of the arguments for them,» he contends. He examines ideological tendencies in the Marxist tradition, in attempts to demythologize Christianity, and in modern British ethical theory. In ethics, he continues the attack on the fact/value dichotomy he began in Moral Notions, (...)
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  44. Essences, powers, and generic propositions.Julius Moravcsik - 1994 - In Theodore Scaltsas, David Owain Maurice Charles & Mary Louise Gill, Unity, identity, and explanation in Aristotle's metaphysics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 229--244.
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    Revolt Against the Modern World: Politics, Religion, and Social Order in the Kali Yuga.Julius Evola - 2018 - Simon & Schuster.
    With unflinching gaze and uncompromising intensity Julius Evola analyzes the spiritual and cultural malaise at the heart of Western civilization and all that passes for progress in the modern world. As a gadfly, Evola spares no one and nothing in his survey of what we have lost and where we are headed. At turns prophetic and provocative, Revolt against the Modern World outlines a profound metaphysics of history and demonstrates how and why we have lost contact with the transcendent (...)
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  46. Legal System and Lawyer's Reasonings.Julius Stone - 1971 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 4 (3):185-187.
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    Ride the tiger: a survival manual for the aristocrats of the soul.Julius Evola - 2003 - Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions. Edited by Joscelyn Godwin & Constance Fontana.
    Julius Evola's final major work, which examines the prototype of the human being who can give absolute meaning to his or her life in a world of dissolution • Presents a powerful criticism of the idols, structures, theories, and illusions of our modern age • Reveals how to transform destructive processes into inner liberation The organizations and institutions that, in a traditional civilization and society, would have allowed an individual to realize himself completely, to defend the principal values he (...)
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    The path of cinnabar: an intellectual autobiography.Julius Evola - 2009 - [Place of publication not identified]: Integral Tradition.
    Julius Evola was a renowned Dadaist artist, Idealist philosopher, critic of politics and Fascism, 'mystic, ' anti-modernist, and scholar of world religions. Evola was all of these things, but he saw each of them as no more than stops along the path to life's true goal: the realisation of oneself as a truly absolute and free individual living one's life in accordance with the eternal doctrines of the Primordial Tradition. Much more than an autobiography, The Cinnabar Path in describing (...)
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    The Correspondence Principle and the Understanding of Decoherence.Sebastian Fortin & Olimpia Lombardi - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (12):1372-1393.
    Although Bohr’s Correspondence Principle (CP) played a central role in the first days of quantum mechanics, its original version seems to have no present-day relevance. The purpose of this article is to show that the CP, with no need of being interpreted in terms of the quantum-to-classical limit, still plays a relevant role in the understanding of the relationships between the classical and the quantum domains. In particular, it will be argued that a generic version of the CP is very (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Plato's method of dialectic.Julius Stenzel - 1940 - New York,: Arno Press. Edited by D. J. Allan.
    Introduction.--The literary form and philosophical content of the Platonic dialogue.--Plato's method of dialectic.
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